CBD Oil for Anxiety: Latest Researches, Benefits & Dosage

CBD Oil for Anxiety

People have been warned against smoking marijuana if they experience any kind of anxiety since common side effects are anxiety, paranoia, etc. We can now effectively remove THC (the psychoactive ingredient) from the plant, which leaves us CBD

Since so many people are having success with CBD, science is trying to understand how it can help with anxiety. Can CBD help anxiety?

What Is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, a series of cannabinoids that come from hemp and marijuana plants. Our bodies create our own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. These endocannabinoids are multi-functional chemicals that are connected to our endocannabinoid and central nervous system.

These systems control things like pain, mood, memory, inflammation, etc. When you take cannabinoids, they don’t attach to your cannabinoid receptors; instead, they somehow make your own body use endocannabinoids more efficiently. This basic function is the root of how you see so many different kinds of results—physical and mental–from taking CBD.

Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

Like anything else about CBD, we don’t know for sure. However, science is working on the answer to this question. Studies are being done to identify the possible effects that CBD has on anxiety. Anxiety isn’t so cut and dry, though. It can manifest itself in many ways like generalized anxiety, social anxiety disorder (SAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc.

Preliminary results from these studies indicate that CBD can help with anxiety and physio responses from anxiety like a high heart rate. Since CBD is known to have calming and stress relieving properties, people are using it to help ease their anxiety. That’s the short and quick of it, but there’s more to it than that.

There was a study done in 2011 on social anxiety disorder where they concluded that animal and human studies indicate that CBD has anxiolytic properties (anxiety-reducing). Moreover, they did take note that there’s no study that explores the deeper mechanisms and results of this. They simply had evidence to show a correlation that those who took CBD felt less social anxiety than those who didn’t.

While PTSD isn’t anxiety, anxiety can be a symptom of it. There was a study in 2019 evaluating the effects of CBD on someone with PTSD. They concluded that human and animal studies suggest that CBD may be therapeutic for it. While it may not be as effective as other drugs on the market, they say that there are fewer side effects and that taking CBD in high doses did not increase anxiety.

Another study in 2017 said that the effects of CBD on someone with a neurological disorder such as schizophrenia could be positive and promising. This study is off-topic, yes, but it just highlights how CBD could affect your mood and mental state.

It should be important to remember that while all of these studies are useful and give us an idea of how CBD could influence your anxiety, they are not conclusive. There is a lot of work to be done in this field, and it takes time to understand the ramifications of what CBD could (or not) do for the brain. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry released an assessment of CBD’s use for psychiatric treatment in 2017, and they stated that there is not enough evidence so far to say one way or another.

In the meantime, we have preliminary evidence to suggest that it could be a useful tool for helping ease anxiety and other such issues. There are thousands of people who’ve tried CBD and their stories are out there. If you do decide to try CBD, you should talk to your doctor about it. You never know!

A Bad Match? THC and Anxiety

It’s generally agreed upon that you shouldn’t consume THC if you experience anxiety or anything similar. THC is a psychoactive drug that can alter your mental state or heighten it. So, if you’re feeling anxious and you consume THC, that feeling just gets worse.

There are those who believe that THC eases their anxiety and calms them. While there’s not a lot of evidence to support this, it’s likely that extenuating circumstances have more to do with it.

However, products containing THC are generally illegal. There are a few states and countries where you can procure THC or receive it as a prescription. CBD, however, does not contain THC and it’s widely available. Since those with anxiety most likely do not want THC, this isn’t a problem.

How Much CBD Should I Take for Anxiety?

CBD comes in many different dosages, and different products make it easier for you to adjust your dosage.

  • Low: 5mg
  • Average: 10mg
  • High: 30mg

When taking CBD, always start at a lower dose and work your way up. If you start lower and don’t feel any effects, increase the dosage by 5-10mg until you begin to feel the effects. Everyone’s metabolism is different, so you need to understand what works for you.

How to Choose CBD Products for Anxiety?

Because CBD comes in a variety of dosages, you should choose a product that gives you wiggle room to either increase or decrease your dosage until you understand your own needs. For example, the average gummy comes in 10mg a piece. You can start with one, and then work your way up as needed.

Make sure to get enough to last you one month at a high dose. This will ensure you a fair, one month trial. If it turns out that you don’t need the max dosage, then you’ll have extra and you can save money in the long run.

Ensure that your CBD is coming from a trustworthy company and check that the CBD product is full-spectrum. Full-spectrum CBD means that you’ll get a mix of cannabinoids, and it’s thought that they work more efficiently.


CBD has a lot of potential for those with anxiety disorders, and there is growing excitement for it. Until there’s enough data to state conclusively how it works, it’s up to you to try it for yourself. Since multiple studies mentioned that CBD does not seem to increase anxiety or other issues, it could be worth a try. If you do decide to try it, speak with your doctor first.

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